Not the Press you remember.
We've reinvented the dross press to better serve your needs
Sustainable solution to dross processing
Maximize metal recoveries
Cost effective
Rapid Return on Investment
Our proven track record in over 500 reference installations speaks for itself. Optimizing your dross management process with an ALTEK Dross Press increases metal unit recovery resulting in improved dross/salt slag management.
Utilizing a Fume Filtration Unit helps keep your cast house a cleaner and safer place to work
Range of footprints and able to process a wide variety of dross types and volumes with over 40 different dross pan sets to choose from
Fully Autonomous
Allows for operational ease and quick cycle times to further improve cast-house efficiency
Robust, durable and intuitive design built to stringent International standards
8 Dross press model sizes
Ability to process generated dross from 50kg to 2,500kg in only 1 pressing cycle
Achieve an improvement of 25% Inhouse aluminium recovery
Achieve maximum secondary recovery yields from your pressed dross skulls.
Better Together
Browse more of ALTEK’s product range to see how we can add further value to your casthouse.
Explore new and exciting possibilities with ALTEK
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